and I returned from a cruise to Vancouver and
met with more family and friends for the Dodgers versus Angels game in Anaheim. It was a wonderful Fathers Day event I enjoyed surrounded by my son Casey, my father Don, my sister Lise', my wife Dannielle and friends. We watched a masterful performance turned in by Clayton Kershaw and the run scoring antics we have come to expect from the Dodgers including a two run homer by James Loney.
That home run is the reason I decided to write this entry. After the umpire ran into right field and signaled Loney to touch them all, play was halted after he had rounded the bases and returned to the dugout. It was anounced on the public address system that the "play was under revue". Instantly I thought I had been struck over the head and had just awakened at an NFL game. Well, first I realized that the Rams now reside in St Louis and there was no pro football anywhere near Anaheim. After about 5 minutes in this surreal atmosphere the home run was pronounced real as the original call stood the scrutiny of video replay. I have to say the impact of that pause left it's mark. There can be no place in our pastime for video revue. The game of baseball is a product of it's own calm flow and cadence only to be broken by an intense exhilaration and excitement brought on by the building tension the games own circumstance brings. When that moment happens, and the crowds emotion bursts forth, the very last thing needed at that moment is for a dull, dead pan announcement "The play is under revue". For well over 100 years we have intrusted umpires to make those calls. The fact that on occasion those calls are wrong only inhance the experience and the never ending conversation / argument that sometimes goes on long after that original call was made. Ok that was just my two cents on the subject.
All in all it was a great day watching the Dodgers win another inter-league game! Inter-league baseball? Sorry but if I start on THAT topic I may not have time for dinner tonight!
I hope you all had as great a Father's Day as I did.
i'll comment on the whole DH debacle but i wanted to say the pics of kershaw and guerrero are great. he was having such a fun time out there - glad you got a shot of it. :)