I have been sitting at my computer this morning reading comments from regular Americans regarding the healthcare bill signed into law by our President. It is almost laughable how many people make decisions based soley on sound bites, (and it is obvious that most of the negative views came directly from Fox News), instead of actually reading the bill. I've read it. It may have taken me almost as long to get through it as Congress took to hagle over it but I did get through it.
I stopped reading the comments when it became painfully clear that the vast majority for the bill and against it have the strongest of opinions but seriously don't have a clue regarding what the bill really will do.
This country isn't going down any river... Just like it didn't when Civil Rights was passed... Just like when Equal Rights was passed.... Just like when Roe v Wade was passed... All those doomsday laws that were passed.... Yet we are still here.... Furthermore, I cannot see how any one can claim themselves to be an American, when you wish ill will of your neighbor...People say healthcare is a privilage and not a right??.... Have you spoken to your neighbor, who works full time, yet cannot get health insurance, because the owner of the business cannot afford it??... Or how about your other neighbor, who is self-employed, and has a child or spouse with pre-existing conditions... No you haven't.. Because if you had, you would never call it a privilage... You have never had to succumb to what many have had to deal with in this lifetime... With this bill, it guarantees you will never have to... I have health issues, and I have a right for preventive care. I have worked and paid taxes for some 37 years and was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer and I was insured and working 70 hours a week at the time. Now I can not buy insurance at any price...I have parents on medicare, and I am fully aware of the donut hole. If my father were to die today my mother would be left with nothing but Medicare and there would be no carrier willing to sell her any supplemental insurance because of pre-existing conditions.... We all have the right to the same freedoms... Freedom from fear of losing our homes due to medical costs... Freedom from fear of bankruptcy... Equality in having the same leverage as any Americans do to negotiate our costs... I have the right to the same "privilages" as anyone does, we all do... We aren't talking about cell phones, tv's and other luxuries.. We are talking about necessities of life...Many talk about the government interferring with our lives... Yet not a single citezen has a problem with them trying to get the insurance companies to lower costs... That is more infringement than requiring everyone to have health care... Passing laws stating I have to wear a seatbelt when I drive, is more infringement than guaranting parents that they won't be burdened with the costs of their children's diseases.. or risk losing their lives... ... People are yelling about socialism, yet they demand this country to provide them with jobs... How many of you plan on passing on medicare when you turn 65?? How many will insist on paying for your own health insurance plan when you are 70??... Not a single one of you will.. So learn the language people... Some people putting this bill down and claiming it is socialism, yet they demand different types of services, which is still socialism... So you can yell all you want from the balcony, but once onstage, it's a whole different ballgame....
And last, the folks screaming the loudest are worried that they will be "forced" to pay for insurance and in so doing will be paying for freeloaders. Let's be serious. Who doesn't want coverage? If your job already supplies it there will be no change for you at all. If your child has an illness you can buy them coverage anyway. Is this bad? People in this country are amusing. They will give and give and give to Haiti or Columbia or any other nations people but they want to complain when they "have to" pay a $350 fine on their IRS return that will help offset the high cost of coverage for needy Americans.
Please, if you are against this bill I am sure you either have not read it or are just an unfeeling and uncaring sociopathic individual simply unable to to see the forrest for the trees.
Take the time to read this bill here in a PDF format: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf
Wow, that's heavy. I wish I could have said it as well as you did. I agree with it 100%. I am just as proud of our President as I could possibly be. He said he would do it in his campaign speeches and he promised he would. And against all odds with nay sayers nipping at his heel,over the airwaves at FOX and politcians that cared more about keepintg the insurance companies fat and sassy with their pockets lined. Not one of them should be voted in next time they come up for reelection. That's what I will do. YES WE CAN.
ReplyDeleteWould you mind if I sent your blog to President Obama. I think he would love
ReplyDeleteto see and read it. Thanks "Life's A
Game", you rock.